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Dance Waiver and Release of Liability 


If my child is participating, and he/she is under the age of 18, I accept this Agreement on behalf of myself and my child. By signing below, I agree to the following terms and conditions:


1.    Services Provided. 


Ignite Dance Productions, LLC (“Ignite Dance”) offers dance classes (“Services”) for children and students (collectively “Student” or “Students”). 


2.    No Refunds


By signing this Agreement and paying for the dance class, you acknowledge there are no refunds if a Student(s) misses a dance class, or if the dance class has to be canceled due to circumstances beyond Ignite Dance’s control. This includes, but is not limited to, closure of the location where the classes are held, inclement weather, COVID-19 restrictions, etc.


3.    Authorization to Work with Dance Instructor(s) 


During the provision of the Services, the dance instructor(s) providing the dance lessons will monitor the Student’s performance and form. You, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, understand and acknowledge that during the provision of these Services, physical touching and positioning of a Student’s body may be necessary to assess the Student’s muscular and bodily reactions to specific exercises as well as to ensure that the Student is using proper technique and body alignment. 


4.    Health Disclosures


Because Ignite Dance will be working closely with the Student while engaging in physical activity, you, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, agree to disclose to Ignite Dance all of the Student’s preexisting, known physical and/or mental conditions that could impact the Student’s ability to participate in the dance class effectively and safely. You, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, agree to notify Ignite Dance’s staff of any of the Student’s known allergies, as well as medications being taken by the Student prior to their participation in the dance class. 


Any information provided to Ignite Dance relating to the Student’s health will be treated as confidential and will only be used to assist Ignite Dance with providing the Services, or, in the case of an injury or health emergency, given to medical providers in order to treat the Student.


You, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, understand and acknowledge that Ignite Dance is not a physician or qualified to give medical advice. If a Student is experiencing fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest discomfort or other similar symptoms that cannot be regulated by modifying or ceasing the activity, Ignite Dance may contact the Student’s Emergency Contact, Parent or Guardian, and/or emergency medical services. You, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, hereby authorize any representative of Ignite Dance to obtain emergency medical treatment for the Student, including transportation to a hospital or other medical facility.


5.    Assumption of Risks 


The risk of serious injury related to the dance activities involved in the dance class is always present due to the nature of the sport. You, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, understand and acknowledge that there are risks inherent in any sports program, including but not limited to abnormal blood pressure, fainting, dizziness, disorders of heart rhythm, orthopedic injury, injuries caused by use of equipment or others, heart attack or stroke. These injuries may occur suddenly and without warning and may result in permanent injury or death. I understand the description of these risks is not complete and that unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness, or death.




6.    Release of Liability


You, on behalf of yourself, child, spouse, heirs, assign, and legal representatives, hereby waive and release all rights, causes of action and claims against Ignite Dance and its owners, agents, and employees, for any and all loss of or damage to property or injuries suffered by the Student arising from the dance, training, exercise, fitness, and all dance activities both in and out of the dance room, including loss, damage, or injury arising from the possible negligence of Ignite Dance, but excluding gross negligence and intentional misconduct, and any claims arising out Ignite Dance’s use of the Student’s Image pursuant to this Agreement and hereby waive the right to review or approve the Image.   Ignite Dance does not own the real property where dance classes occur and is not responsible for any damages caused by the owner, agents, or employees of the location where the dance classes occur.  Ignite Dance is not responsible for damages caused by other participants of the class.    


7.    Limitation of Liability


Ignite Dance shall have no liability under this Agreement if you or the Student fail to comply with your responsibilities under this agreement. In any event, liability under this Agreement shall be limited to general money damages in the amount of the cost of the Services rendered. This liability shall be the extent of Ignite Dance’s liability regardless of the form in which any legal or equitable action may be brought, and the foregoing shall constitute the exclusive remedy. In no event will Ignite Dance be held liable or be responsible for any consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive loss or damages, or liabilities to third parties arising from any source, whether Ignite Dance knew or should have known of the likelihood of any loss or damages. Ignite Dance disclaims all warranties express or implied with respect to the Services rendered under this Agreement.




8.    Video/Photo Release 


By signing this Agreement and paying for the dance class, you, on behalf of yourself and/or the Student, acknowledge Ignite Dance has the authority and right to use, reproduce, and distribute the Student’s photograph, likeness, recorded voice, or videos that include the Student’s likeness, image, and/or voice (“Image”) for promotional and advertising materials and evergreen content on Ignite Dance’s website, social media pages, or other digital platforms as Ignite Dance, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. By signing below, You  waive any right to inspect, modify, or approve any recordings, and You waive any right to compensation.


9. No Recording


Parents/Guardians are not allowed to record the dance class in any form, for any duration, or for any reason, without Ignite Dance’s prior permission.  In the event that permission is granted, any recording may only be used personally by the Parent/Guardian and student and shall not be published or shared with any third party. 





I have read this waiver and release, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily, and without inducement.

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